Monday, September 16, 2013

Aid for best friend

Looking for a best friend, one that is always there for you and will always respect your opinion. One that will always listen to you and help you when needed. One that will never lie and will always be honest with you even though they know that you won't like the answer sometimes. One that is caring for you and is always looking out for you and their voice means good to you. One that tells you when your doing wrong. One that respects you for whatever you do and doesn't judge you.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Non Human

As i move around very carefully trying to avoid these big things that keep destroying my home. I keep trying to get leaves and bring them back to base but i am unsuccessful. These big monsters have killed millions of us ants and i'm not sure why they continue to harm us we don't do anything to harm them and they just kill us like its there job. We are unable to go out and retrieve food because we will most likely get killed if we do.


I've smelt courage in the air multiple times but only one situation has really stood out to me as a true courageous act 9/11/2001. Millions of innocent civilians lost their life that day to a bunch of idiotic terrorist. About a few years ago i was watching Sports Center early in the morning before school and it was 9-11 and a documentary about a guy came on. This man was your typical stalk broker but he came from a background that you wouldn't expect him to do that. The kid went to BC on a full ride to play lax and always wore a red bandana under his helmet. This kid came out of college liked his job a lot until 2 days before 9-11 he called his dad told him he wanted to be fire fighter and save lives. Well 9-11 hit and he was in the south building the one that got hit second. Instead of being like every other human being and try to escape death, he on the other hand did not fear death. He was on the 79th floor the police were on the 65th floor escorting people down to safety by the elevator. This man decided to gather as many people as he could and bring them down to safety on the 65th floor and let the police escort them down When the police asked who was saving them they said the man in the red bandana. After he brought those people down he took the initiative to go back up and save more lives not fearing death. When the building feel he was in it and died in it. When loads of people came out they all asked who saved them. They replied the man in the red bandana.